Do you desire to speak or feel that public speaking is something you should do? Perhaps you are wondering how to get started as a public speaker or how to schedule more speaking engagements. Wherever you are, the tips that follow will help you make the most of speaking opportunities near you.
Consider your sphere of influence. An audience awaits you in the places where you live, work, and travel. Think of each place as a mission field to which God has sent you for the purpose of relaying an important message.
Invest in your development as a speaker. Get involved with professional speaking organizations that will help you refine your skills. Purchase the supplies you need to deliver your messages well (e.g., clothing, laptop, microphone, podium, visual aids, etc.). Practice, practice, and practice some more.
Present yourself as a speaker. Develop key marketing materials to sell yourself as a speaker. Utilize publicity and social media. Add your name to directories of speakers like the Directory of Gifted Communicators.
Take advantage of opportunities to speak. Share your testimony at churches, family gatherings, or nonprofit organizations you support. Mentor students in the schools or teach a continuing education course for a college. Present at meetings for business and civic clubs, men’s and women’s groups, writers’ guilds, etc. You can even create your own seminars and workshops, and invite individuals from your sphere of influence to attend.
The more you speak, the more opportunities you will have to speak, because word will travel about what you do. When you are faithful in the little things, God will entrust you with more. Your sphere of influence, your audience, and your platform will expand as you step out to make the most of speaking opportunities near you.